by Al Porotesano

I have this post in mind for those of us in the homeless app project using drupal. So I’m going to assume you read step one, if not go back to step one.


1. Install Apache & PHP
>> 2. Install & Configure MySQL database <<
3. Install & Configure SSL
4. Configure the Apache VirtualHost
5. Install & Configure Drupal 8

Let’s revisit the requirements from the first step assuming you’re using ubuntu 16.04

Requirement Settings  
Storage 60 MB for Drupal
Database MySQL 5.5.3 or higher with PDO
PHP 5.5.9 or higher
Server apache

As always type the mysql, apache2, and/or php –version on the terminal.

2. Install & Configure MySQL database

This one is fairly easy to set up. You’re installing MySQL and configuring MySQL for Drupal.

I’ll assume you’re in root. If not and you forgot:

$ 	sudo su

Install MySQL

$ 	apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client -y

MySQL will ask you to create a new password. So go create one.

mysql configuration

Log in as Root

$ 	mysql -u root -p

You’re in MySQL as Root, Now create a database for your drupal8

mysql> 	create database drupaldb;
mysql> 	create user drupaluser@localhost identified by 'drupaluser@';
mysql> 	grant all privileges on drupaldb.* to drupaluser@localhost identified by 'drupaluser@';
mysql> 	flush privileges;
mysql> 	exit

Your terminal should look like my screenshot:

step 2: granting your new drupal database privileges to your new drupal user before installing drupal.

This completes Step #2

Step #3: Installing & Configuring SSL is next.
