by Al Porotesano

I have this post in mind for those of us in the homeless app project using drupal. Let me tell you something: It’s a bitch to install on my laptop.

I’m installing Drupal and watching this Drupal Sites with Panthenon tutorial series thinking this will take all day.

I was going to post a series of questions with the whys and whats and whatever have yous, but it’s just a paragraph full of ughs suitable for a livejournal post I doubt that would be worth reading. I just want to make the proceedures easier for the LBC uncoded hack against homeless team. Here’s the breakdown of installations:


1. 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04
2. Terminal
3. Root Privileges


We’re focusing on Drupal 8 running MySQL. Click here for System Requirements to run previous versions of Drupal.

1. *Storage* 	60 MB for Drupal
2. *Database* 	MySQL 5.5.3 or higher with PDO
3. *PHP* 	5.5.9 or higher
4. *Server* 	Apache

To check if you have those versions on the terminal, type –version after mysql or php or apache.


1. Install Apache & PHP
2. Install & Configure MySQL database
3. Install & Configure SSL
4. Configure the Apache VirtualHost
5. Install & Configure Drupal 8

I know if I did these instructions again, It would take at least 3 hours. Give or take a few minutes working on some other project or facebooking something about something that something made about something when that something made some sense.

1. Install Apache & PHP

Update the Ubuntu repository and install Apache:

$ 	sudo su
$ 	apt-get update
$ 	apt-get install apache2 -y

Install libapache for php7

$ 	apt-get install libapache2-mod-php

Install php7

$ 	apt-get install php7.0 php7.0-fpm php7.0-mysql -y

Enable Apache SSL and rewrite modules with the ‘a2enmod’ command. Restart apache to apply the changes:

$ 	a2enmod rewrite ssl
$ 	systemctl restart apache2

Check the modules are loaded with this line of command:

$ 	apache2ctl -M | egrep 'ssl|rewrite'

The terminal should spit these out:

$ 	#Enabled
$ 	 rewrite_module (shared)
$ 	 ssl_module (shared)
If the above were shown on the terminal, mod-rewrite and mod-ssl are enabled and we’re gonna continue on. If it’s not, read the instructions on the terminal to install some mising component and re-check if your ubuntu enabled mod-rewrite & mod-ssl with: apache2ctl -M egrep ‘ssl rewrite’.

How do I know if Apache and PHP are working well?

Let’s create a new file in the /var/www/html/ directory:

$	cd /var/www/html
$	echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > info.php

How do I test the info.php I just inserted?

Use any browser and go http://localhost:8080/info.php I’m using localhost for my laptop. You can use your AWS instance IP address or some IP addy your provider gave you, but i’m using localhost.

Final step:

Remove info.php from the /var/www/html directory

$	rm -f /var/www/html/info.php

Step 2 will be Installing & Configuring the MySQL database. That’s my next post tomorrow… It’s gonna be a step per daily post thing.

  • Al Porotesano