My Current list of projects

  • City of Long Beach Act Against Homelessness with Uncoded
    • A web portal with volunteers coding to integrate homeless shelters with government agencies.
    • Mobile and Cloud Application under beta development
  • Fish Portal combatting Overfishing in the Philippines & Indonesia
    • My current fishackathon project serving ASEAN member countries.

Previous Portfolio Projects

My previous web portal projects spanning 15 years and over 10,000 agencies and broker/dealers nationwide with AdvisorSquare/Symantec/Smarsh.

Broker Dealers, Independent Brokerage Dealers, and Financial Associations:

  • Mass Mutual
  • LPL Financial
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Jefferson Pilot
  • Raymond James Company
  • ING Advisors
  • Wells Fargo Network of Financial Advisors
  • Ameriprise Financial